This is impact orientated...
Unfnshedwrks. A concept of evolution, preparation, and creation. The journey of becoming and moving from a state of potentiality to actuality. Often as we journey through our discovery, we forget others are too, so this series will be an exploration of the people around us — the people closest to us. Looking into their stories, documenting their discovery— Their evolution.
We kicked this series off interviewing George Obolo, a social entrepreneur, public speaker, all in all someone we deem as someone truly embodying Unfnshedwrks. So, we began by asking George what ‘Unfnshedwrks’ means to him and here’s what he had to say.
George Obolo,
21-year-old social entrepreneur and public speaker. A man of many talents, and notably a man who embodies Unfnshedwrks.
“I would give it a few definitions:
The process of becoming.
The knitting together of different stories and different experiences to create life’s mosaic.
The embodiment of imperfect process.
Evolution, free from the obsession of completion.
Being less concerned about who I am now and more concerned with the trajectory of who I am becoming.
I’m really excited to be a part of the Unfnshedwrks here at ChuksINC, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes this community.”
1. Who is George?
I’m someone who likes to do many things, an individual with many different passions. Some people may know me as a medical student, some as a social entrepreneur, some as a friend and others as lots of other things. In short, I do a lot of things, but my passions remain the same. My expressions are many, my passions are few, my expressions always change but my passions never do.
2. What would you say is one value that truly defines what makes George, George?
Honestly that’s such a good question and I’m thinking out-loud here, but I think the answer lies in who I believe God is and who He is calling me to be. I believe God has placed everything around me for a purpose; my family, friends, experiences, opportunities - all of this has moulded me into the person I am today. So I don’t think that I am me because of me, if that makes sense. It’s me submitting myself to what God wants and allowing Him to mould me.
I am not what I do, I am not what I’m gifted at, I am not my talents - but I define myself by my principles and character traits.
3. As part of this series, we are trying to celebrate Unfnshedwrks, and things in that state of evolution. So, what’s something you are planning on bringing to life?
I have so many cool ideas, some I’m currently working on, and some I’ve stored for later.
Right now, I lead an organisation called ‘The Black Excellence Network’ - we work to help black students progress in their journey to higher education and beyond. We’ve managed to grow exponentially in our first two years, but one thing we’re planning to develop an awards and scholarships scheme.
On a more personal note, my goal is to create a value-centred community, where there is a symbiotic relationship- people giving and taking equally to support each other. I believe a community like this is essential! I also realise that life change doesn’t simply happen through reading an article or listening to a podcast, but through relationship and community. I want to build a community that evolves together.
I believe this kind of the community is immovable, and definitely what our society should be moving towards.
This is just one thing I am planning to bring to life, but with everything I do I am impact-orientated. I recognise that everything I do can change someone’s life and that doing that enough times changes the world.
4. Seasonings are changing, so what are you doing towards your goals and vision. In short, what should we expect the next 3 months to look like for you?
Next week, I will be doing a TEDx talk (October 15th) on how you go from being someone who simply comments on things to being someone who shifts things to positive change. From a commentator to a change maker. From a referee to a reformer. From someone who looks to someone who leads.
I’ve observed over 100 successful change makers and there are two essential traits that I’ve picked up on and would like to make people aware of. I am really excited because I think it’s going to be a great experience for me, and hopefully I can start up an exciting dialogue within many communities.
In terms of the rest of the year, expect to see a lot of behind the scenes things from me. When it comes to this time of year, I am in planning mode for next year - building infrastructure to prepare for what I think is to come. Around this time as well, I think about who I would like to collaborate with next year to amplify impact. So if you’re reading this, and that’s you - drop me a message.
I also typically have a scriptural theme that I let guide and carry me throughout the year. Next year, I am still working out what that will be. Regardless, as seasons are changing, I will be changing too, continuing the process of evolving into who God has called me to be.
5. You got your Chuks earlier than everyone else. What’s your thoughts on them? And how are you styling them this winter?
The quality of the socks is ridiculous! I can definitely say that I haven’t had socks like these before and I think the design of the Unfnshedwrks socks is such a strong, and important statement.
The design is nice and clean but the emphasis for me lies with the statement. This brand carries so much power in its imagery. I don’t know if people are aware or not, but ‘Chuks’ means God in Igbo, so the imagery of a community walking with God is so powerful. So when I’m wearing my Chuks, it’s more than me wearing them for fashion, I’m wearing it because it’s a message that I subscribe to.
In terms of styling, I might wear them for my TedTalk. Outside of that, I may style them with a neutral tone fit as it adds the finishing touches to a clean look. It’s giving autummnnn.
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